
1. What is APEC? Who are its members?1.什么是APEC?其成员有哪些?APEC is the acronym of the English name of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. Its full name is Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. At present, APEC has 21 economies: China, Hong Kong, Taipei, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Russia, the United States and Canada.APEC是亚太经济合作组织英文名称的首字母缩写,全称是Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation。目前,APEC共有21个经济体:中国、中国香港、中国台北、日本、韩国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、文莱、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南、澳大利亚、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、智利、秘鲁、墨西哥、俄罗斯、美国和加拿大。2. What is an economy?2.什么是经济体?Among the 21 members of APEC, there are members from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, China, China and other regions. Through consensus, APEC members are called economies in English.APEC21个成员中有中国香港和中国台湾等地区成员。经协商一致,APEC成员均称为经济体,英文为economy。3. What is the APEC Business Travel Card Program?3.什么是APEC商务旅行卡计划?After the establishment of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), in order to strengthen internal cooperation and promote the free flow of business personnel, the Philippines, South Korea and Australia launched the APEC BUSINESS TRAVEL CARD SCHEME at the Philippine APEC Summit in November 1996, proposing that participating economies provide multilateral long-term visas and fast customs clearance preferences for their business personnel.亚太经合组织(APEC)成立后,为加强内部合作,促进商务人员自由流动,菲律宾、韩国和澳大利亚于1996年11月菲律宾APEC首脑峰会上发起APEC商务旅行卡计划(APEC BUSINESS TRAVEL CARD SCHEME),倡议加入计划的经济体相互为其商务人员提供多边长期签证和快速通关优惠。4. Which economies participate in the travel card program?4.哪些经济体参加了旅行卡计划?At present, 21 economies of APEC have joined the travel card program, of which the United States and Canada are transitional members.目前,APEC21个经济体均已加入旅行卡计划,其中美国、加拿大为过渡成员。5. What is a transitional member of the travel card program?5.什么是旅行卡计划过渡成员?At present, the United States and Canada are transitional members of the travel card program. They do not issue travel cards to their citizens or accept applications for APEC business travel cards from other economies, but provide visa applications and entry and exit customs clearance facilities for cardholders from other economies.目前,美国、加拿大是旅行卡计划过渡成员,不为本国公民颁发旅行卡,亦不接受其它经济体的APEC商务旅行卡申请,但为其他经济体持卡人提供签证申请和入出境通关便利。6. When did China join the travel card program?6.中国是什么时候加入旅行卡计划的?In 2002, the Chinese government officially fulfilled the accession procedures. In December 2003, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs began to accept applications for APEC business travel cards. In March 2004, China began to issue travel cards to Chinese applicants.2002年中国政府正式履行加入手续。2003年12月,外交部开始受理APEC商务旅行卡申请。2004年3月,开始为中方申请人颁发旅行卡。7. What is a travel card like?7.旅行卡是什么样的?8. Who can apply for APEC Business Travel Card?8.哪些人可以申请APEC商务旅行卡?The following personnel who often travel to APEC economies due to business needs can apply for APEC business travel cards: 1. Personnel from state-owned enterprises; 2. Personnel of private enterprises; 3. Chinese/mainland personnel working in Sino foreign joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned enterprises and Taiwan Hong Kong Australian funded enterprises; 4. Government officials engaged in APEC affairs and Chinese officials serving in APEC organizations.因业务需要经常前往APEC经济体的下列人员可以申请APEC商务旅行卡:1、国有企业人员;2、民营企业人员;3、中外合资、外商独资和台港澳资企业中工作的中方/大陆人员;4、从事APEC事务的政府官员和在APEC组织任职的中国籍官员。9. Can foreigners apply for travel cards in China?9.外国人可以在中国申请旅行卡吗?Citizens of economies that have become full members of the travel card scheme may apply to the competent authorities of their economies, which will not accept applications from foreigners.已成为旅行卡计划正式成员的经济体的公民可以向其所属经济体主管部门提出申请,中国主管部门不受理外国人的申请。10. How long does it take to apply for a travel card?10.申办旅行卡程序需要多长时间?The approval time varies from economy to economy. It usually takes 5-6 months for applicants in this city to get their travel cards.各经济体审批时间不同,本市申请人通常需要5-6个月时间可以拿到旅行卡。11. Can the applicant apply for card printing in advance?11.申请人可以申请提前制卡吗?If necessary, the applicant can apply for card printing in advance after obtaining approval from some economies. It is not necessary to wait for approval from all economies before card printing.如确有需要,申请人可在获得部分经济体批准后申请提前制卡,不必等所有经济体审批完成后才制卡。12. How to apply for card printing in advance?12.如何申请提前制卡?The applicant's unit shall submit an application to the Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government through the application materials acceptance unit according to the application procedure.由申请人所在单位按申办程序通过申请材料受理单位向上海市人民政府外事办公室提出申请。13. Can Chinese embassies and consulates abroad accept travel card applications?13.中国驻外使领馆能否受理旅行卡申请?No.不能。14. How to use a travel card?14.如何使用旅行卡?Cardholders can enter and leave relevant economies with valid passports and travel cards when applying for travel cards. Cardholders can only access the economy that approved their travel card application, and the approved economy is marked on the back of the travel card in English abbreviations. All major ports of economies participating in the travel card program have dedicated channels for travel cards (or shared with diplomatic channels), usually marked with APEC Business Travel Card.持卡人凭申办旅行卡时的有效护照和旅行卡出入有关经济体。持卡人只能出入批准其旅行卡申请的经济体,已批准的经济体以英文缩写字样标注在旅行卡背面。加入旅行卡计划的各经济体主要口岸均设有旅行卡专用通道(或与外交通道共用),通常写明APEC Business Travel Card字样。15. How many economies can Chinese cardholders enter or leave with their cards?15.中国持卡人凭卡最多可以出入多少个经济体?At present, the United States and Canada do not approve foreign travel card applications. The mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan do not apply travel cards to each other. Therefore, applicants in China can have visas for up to 16 economies on their travel cards.目前,美国、加拿大不审批外方旅行卡申请。大陆与香港、台湾互不适用旅行卡。所以我国申请人旅行卡上最多可以有16个经济体的签证。16. What convenience can cardholders enjoy when applying for a US visa?16.持卡人申请美国签证能享受到哪些便利?At the request of the travel card holder, the Consulate General of the United States in Shanghai can provide convenience for visa interview appointment in advance for cardholders who really need it.应旅行卡持卡人要求,美国驻上海总领馆可为确有需要的持卡人提供签证面谈预约提前的便利。17. Can the cardholder go to the United States and Canada through the fast customs passage?17.持卡人赴美国、加拿大可以走快速通关通道吗?At present, all major airports in the United States and Canada have special channels for APEC business travel cards (or shared with diplomatic channels) to facilitate rapid customs clearance for cardholders.目前美、加主要机场均设有APEC商务旅行卡专用通道(或与外交通道合用),为持卡人提供快速通关便利。18. How are economies identified?18.如何识别各经济体?There can be up to 16 economic abbreviations on the back of a cardholder's travel card in China: JPN (Japan), KOR (Korea), MYS (Malaysia), IDN (Indonesia), BRN (Brunei), PHL (Philippines), SGP (Singapore), MEX (Mexico), THA (Thailand), VNM (Vietnam), AUS (Australia), NZL (New Zealand), PNG (Papua New Guinea), CHL (Chile), PER (Peru), RUS (Russia). The English abbreviations of other economies are: CHN (China), HKG (Hong Kong), TWN (Taiwan, China), USA (United States), CAN (Canada).我国持卡人旅行卡背面的经济体缩写最多可有16个:JPN(日本),KOR(韩国),MYS(马来西亚),IDN(印度尼西亚), BRN(文莱),PHL(菲律宾), SGP(新加坡), MEX(墨西哥),THA(泰国), VNM(越南), AUS(澳大利亚), NZL(新西兰), PNG(巴布亚新几内亚), CHL(智利),PER(秘鲁),RUS(俄罗斯)。其他经济体的英文缩写是:CHN(中国), HKG (中国香港),TWN(中国台湾), USA(美国), CAN(加拿大)。19. Can Chinese cardholders access Hong Kong and Taiwan, China with their cards?19.中国持卡人可凭卡出入中国香港和中国台湾吗?No, travel cards are not applicable to each other between the mainland and Hong Kong and Taiwan. However, the cardholder can use the special channel of the Hong Kong border port travel card with the card.不能,大陆和香港台湾之间互不适用旅行卡。但持卡人可持卡使用香港边境口岸旅行卡专门通道。20.Can travel card holders also apply for short-term business visas for Australia and New Zealand? What is "visa coverage"?20.旅行卡持卡人还可以另外申请澳大利亚和新西兰的短期商务签证吗?什么是“签证覆盖”?Australia and New Zealand require applicants to hold only one valid entry visa. If the cardholder applies for another entry visa to Australia and New Zealand within the validity period of the travel card, once approved, the subsequent visa with a shorter validity period will automatically cover the three-year "visa" carried by the travel card, making the travel card invalid, resulting in the cardholder being unable to enter Australia and New Zealand with the travel card. This is the "visa coverage" problem. Other economies have not seen the problem of "visa coverage", but it is not recommended that cardholders apply for similar visas separately.澳大利亚和新西兰要求申请人只能持一个有效的入境签证,如果持卡人在旅行卡有效期内另外申请澳、新的入境签证,一旦获批,其后发的有效期较短的签证将自动覆盖旅行卡承载的有效期三年的“签证”,使旅行卡失效,导致持卡人无法凭旅行卡入境澳、新,这就是“签证覆盖”问题。其他经济体虽未见“签证覆盖”问题的发生,但亦不建议持卡人另外申请同类签证。21. What should I do when my passport expires?21.护照到期后怎么办?After issuing a new passport, the cardholder can apply for card replacement according to the original application procedure. A copy of the new passport and the original card must be attached for card replacement.持卡人换发新护照后,可按原申办程序申请换卡,换卡须附新护照复印件和原卡。22. What should I do if I lose my travel card?22.旅行卡丢失怎么办?As a certificate as important as the passport, the cardholder shall keep the travel card properly. In case of accidental loss, the cardholder shall report to the unit accepting the application materials and the Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government in a timely manner and apply for a replacement. The Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government shall explain the situation to the Consular Department, and then the Consular Department shall reissue the travel card.旅行卡作为与护照同等重要的证件,持卡人应妥善保管,遇不慎丢失,应及时向申请材料受理单位及上海市人民政府外事办公室报告和申请补办,由上海市人民政府外事办公室向领事司说明情况后由领事司补发旅行卡。23. Should the travel card be returned when the cardholder's unit changes?23.持卡人所属单位变动时需退回旅行卡吗?After the cardholder leaves the original unit or changes his/her identity, he/she shall return the travel card in time. The specific procedures are as follows: the unit accepting the application materials shall immediately notify the Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government of the change of the cardholder unit and return the travel card, and the Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office shall apply to the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for cancellation of the travel card and notify the economies.持卡人离开原单位或身份发生变化后,应及时将旅行卡退还。具体程序是:申请材料受理单位第一时间向上海市人民政府外事办公室通报持卡人单位变动情况并退回旅行卡,由上海外办向外交部领事司申请注销旅行卡并通报各经济体。24. What should I pay attention to when using the APEC Business Travel Card?24.使用APEC商务旅行卡需要注意什么?APEC business travel card can only be used for business purposes, such as attending meetings, visiting customers, developing markets, business negotiations, etc. It is not allowed to hold the card for travel, family visits, medical treatment and other activities. If the cardholder enters other economies with a card to engage in activities inconsistent with the functions of the travel card, once it is discovered by other economies, it will notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will stop accepting the travel card applications of the parties and their applicants.APEC商务旅行卡仅可用于商务目的,如出席会议、拜见客户、开拓市场、商业谈判等,不可持卡从事旅游、探亲、治病等其它活动。如持卡人持卡入境其它经济体从事与旅行卡功能不相符的活动,一旦被其它经济体发现,将会通报中方外交部,外交部将会停止受理当事人和其申请单位的旅行卡申请。25. What are the specific contents of the arrangements for APEC business travel cardholders to go to Australia for non business activities?25.关于APEC商务旅行卡持卡人赴澳大利亚进行非商务活动有关安排的具体内容是什么?Australia has always had the problem of "visa coverage" in respect of APEC business travel cards (hereinafter referred to as "travel cards") (that is, travel card holders cannot apply for any other type of visa in Australia during the validity period of the travel card, otherwise, once the visa is approved, the corresponding visa carried by the travel card will automatically become invalid). Recently, Australia introduced facilitation measures on the issue of "visa coverage" to expand the scope of application of Australian visa carried by travel cards. The relevant information is as follows:一直以来,澳大利亚在APEC商务旅行卡(下称“旅行卡”)方面存在着“签证覆盖”问题(即旅行卡持卡人在旅行卡有效期内,不可再申请澳大利亚的其它任何种类签证,否则签证一旦获批,旅行卡所承载的相应签证将自动失效)。近日,澳大利亚就“签证覆盖”问题出台便利措施,扩大旅行卡所承载澳签适用范围,相关信息如下:I. Applicable scope of travel card carrying Australian visa一、 旅行卡承载澳签适用范围The Australian visa carried by the travel card is a 600 category short-term visa, which can be used for travel, leisure, visiting relatives and friends and short-term business activities (including business visits, negotiations, conferences, etc.) other than medical purposes.旅行卡承载的澳大利亚签证为600类短期签证,可用于除医疗目的以外的旅游、休闲、探亲访友及短期商务活动(包括商务考察、谈判、会议等)。II. The case that the passport associated with the travel card is an ordinary passport二、 旅行卡关联护照为普通护照的情形As long as the Australian visa carried by the travel card is still within the validity period, the cardholder does not need to apply for a visa to go to Australia with the ordinary passport associated with the travel card. However, when entering the country for non business purposes, the cardholder is not allowed to show his/her travel card or use a special passage for the travel card.只要旅行卡承载的澳大利亚签证尚在有效期内,持卡人持旅行卡关联的普通护照赴澳大利亚,无需再办理签证。但非商务目的入境时,持卡人不可出示旅行卡,也不能使用旅行卡专门通道。III. The travel card related passport is a business passport三、 旅行卡关联护照为因公护照的情形If the cardholder goes to Australia for business purposes other than business, the travel card applicant must apply to the passport and visa office for the change of the travel card related passport and provide relevant materials at least 10 working days before his departure. The passport and visa office will send a letter to the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who will notify the Australian side to temporarily change the travel card related passport to the cardholder's ordinary passport. Cardholders can travel to Australia with ordinary passports, but when entering Australia, they cannot show their travel cards or use special channels for travel cards. The applicant unit of the travel card of the cardholder shall go to the passport and visa office to handle the relevant formalities within 7 working days after returning home, and re link the travel card back to the business passport.如持卡人以非因公商务目的赴澳,旅行卡申报单位需在其启程前至少10个工作日向护照签证处申请办理旅行卡关联护照的变更手续并提供相关材料,护照签证处将致函外交部领事司,由领事司通知澳方临时把旅行卡关联护照更改为持卡人的普通护照。持卡人持普通护照即可赴澳旅行,但入境澳大利亚时,不可出示旅行卡,也不能使用旅行卡专门通道。持卡人所属旅行卡申报单位在其回国后的7个工作日内,来护照签证处办理相关手续,将旅行卡重新关联回因公护照。26. What do you think about the validity period of each economy visa of APEC business travel card? If the validity of the card is inconsistent with the date on the list of validity of visas issued with the card, which one shall prevail?26.APEC商务旅行卡各经济体签证有效期怎么看?如卡片有效期与随卡发放的各经济体签证有效期一览表上日期不一致,应以哪个为准?The validity period of the APEC business travel card is marked on the front, and the validity period of the visa issued with the card is separately marked for some economies on the list of validity periods of the visa issued with the card.APEC商务旅行卡正面标明了卡片有效期,随卡发放的各经济体签证有效期一览表上部分经济体单独标注了各自签证的有效期。(1) For economies whose visa validity period is earlier than that of the card, please refer to the validity period in the list.(1) 一览表上签证有效期早于卡片有效期的经济体,请以一览表上的有效期为准。(2) For economies that do not clearly indicate the validity period of the visa or the visa validity period marked is later than the validity period of the card, please refer to the validity period of the card, that is, the card holder's stay in the economy shall not exceed the validity period of the card.(2) 一览表上没有明确标注签证有效期或标注的签证有效期晚于卡片有效期的经济体,请以卡片有效期为准,即持卡人在该经济体停留的时间不得超过卡片有效期。The earliest batch of APEC business travel cards applied online by our office have expired or will expire soon. In order to prevent the cardholders from being blocked when entering or leaving the country, all relevant units and cardholders are reminded to pay attention to the expiry date of each economy and must return home before the expiry date.通过我办网上申办的最早一批APEC商务旅行卡已经或即将到期,为避免持卡人出入境时受阻,提醒各有关单位和持卡人注意各经济体的有效期,务必在有效期到期之前回国。27. What are the advantages of travel cards?27.旅行卡有哪些便利?The travel card is equivalent to a short-term business visa. The applicant applies for it once, and it is valid for five years. The applicant can enter the country many times, and can stay for 60 days each time. In addition, all economies generally provide entry and exit customs clearance facilities for cardholders.旅行卡相当于一个短期商务签证,申请人一次申办,五年有效,多次入境,每次入境可停留60天。此外,各经济体普遍为持卡人提供入出境通关便利。28. How do enterprise personnel apply for travel cards? What materials do I need to apply for a travel card?28.企业人员如何申办旅行卡?申请旅行卡需要哪些材料?Enterprise personnel in this city shall be handled in accordance with the Measures and Administrative Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Enterprise Personnel's Application for APEC Business Travel Cards. Personnel of central enterprises in Shanghai directly apply to the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.本市企业人员按《上海市企业人员申办APEC商务旅行卡的办法和管理规定》办理。在沪中央企业人员按照外交部有关规定直接向外交部领事司申办。29. How can an applicant query the approval progress of a travel card?29.申请人如何查询旅行卡审批进度?The applicant can check the approval progress of the travel card through the preliminary examination department.申请人可通过初审部门查询旅行卡审批进度。30. How to keep your travel card?30.如何保管旅行卡?The travel cards applied for by the personnel of state-owned enterprises in this Municipality shall refer to the administrative measures of this Municipality for the collection of official ordinary passports; Travel cards applied for by personnel of private enterprises and Chinese/mainland personnel working in Sino foreign joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned enterprises and Taiwan Hong Kong Australian funded enterprises shall be kept by the cardholder's enterprise.本市国有企业人员申办的旅行卡,参照本市公务普通护照收缴管理办法;民营企业人员和中外合资、外商独资和台港澳资企业中工作的中方/大陆人员申办的旅行卡,由持卡人所在企业自行保管。31. How to renew a travel card?31.如何续办旅行卡?After the expiry of the travel card, the cardholder shall reapply for the travel card. The details shall be handled in accordance with the Measures and Administrative Provisions of Shanghai Municipality for Enterprise Personnel to Apply for APEC Business Travel Cards.

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